Wednesday, July 20, 2011

This is a test.

Only a test. I promise. I'm going to type some more so I can test what happens when I go over 140 characters in this post. Yo.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Nite 4 God - The Days After

I hope you all had as much fun as I did worshiping on Wednesday night!  Seeing so many of you sharing in worship through singing, speaking and dancing (I'm still trying to figure out how he does that stuff) was a powerful thing to witness.  More than that though, I hope that God spoke to you that night.

That's where the real question comes in.  Where are you today?  Has that worshipful spirit carried over, or did you leave it in the flood room?  Remember, worship doesn't end when the music or preaching stops.  In fact, it should never end!

If you have any stories about how God has worked in your life and you'd like to share it with everyone, send it to, you never know if your story might impact someone else's life!

Nite 4 God - The Days After

I hope you all had as much fun as I did worshiping on Wednesday night!  Seeing so many of you sharing in worship through singing, speaking and dancing (I'm still trying to figure out how he does that stuff) was a powerful thing to witness.  More than that though, I hope that God spoke to you that night.

That's where the real question comes in.  Where are you today?  Has that worshipful spirit carried over, or did you leave it in the flood room?  Remember, worship doesn't end when the music or preaching stops.  In fact, it should never end!

If you have any stories about how God has worked in your life and you'd like to share it with everyone, send it to, you never know if your story might impact someone else's life!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Rock Beats Paper

And by paper I mean, well... everything!

Yesterday I mentioned that we should be focusing on rocks and pebbles rather than sand or water. Here's my version of the story behind that.

A science teacher stood in front of his class one day with an empty jar and a bag of rocks. He asked the class if they thought the jar was full, and they all agreed it was not full. The teacher proceeded to pour the bag of rocks into the jar. The rocks perfectly filled the jar all the way to the top. The teacher asked the class again if the jar was full, the class agreed that the jar was now full.

Next the teach pulled out a bag of pebbles. He proceeded to pour the pebbles into the jar. The students gasped as every pebble managed to find a place to fit around the large rocks. The teacher asked again if the jar was full and the students agreed once again that the jar was now completely full.

Then the teacher pulled our a bat of sand and proceeded to pour it into the jar. The tiny particles of sand fit perfectly around the rocks and pebbles until every little crevice was filled with sand. The teacher asked the class if the jar was full and the students of course agreed.

Finally the teacher pulled out a cup of water and began pouring it into the jar. The class couldn't believe that the water managed to fit around the rocks, pebbles and sand. As the teacher finished pouring the water he asked the class if they thought the jar was full and they all laughed and agreed that it was now completely full.

The teacher then said that he was going to do the same thing, but in reverse. So he pulled out another empty jar and he started by pouring the water in, then the sand and finally the pebbles. At this point the jar is nearly full and the teacher tried to pour the rocks in but only a few manged to stay in the jar, the rest fell onto the desk.

That jar represents our life, the rocks represent God, the pebbles are our family and friends and the sand and water is sports, video games, TV, etc. When you fill your life with sand and water, you don't have enough room for the things that are really important. So start by being loyal to God, your family and your friends first. Make them your priority, the things that don't matter will still fit in your life, they just won't be as important.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Connecting the Dots

Yesterday in Sunday School we finished talking about loyalty and prioritizing where our loyalties lie. Then, in church, Pastor William talked about us being a focused church. Normally my brain doesn’t work like this, and maybe it was just because I was in both morning services, but it hit me that these two lessons are SO intertwined (in a simple manner, but it’s still cool).

Let’s scale it down a bit. Instead of the idea of being a focused church, let’s think about being a focused youth group. If we all prioritized our loyalties in a way that puts God first that would inherently make us a focused youth group!

So let’s do that, let’s focus on the rocks of life rather than the water and sand! (stayed tuned for the story behind this phrase!)

Epic Song Monday #3: Your Name High

This song isn't necessarily "Epic", but when you add in the big/long intro it makes it uber-epic!

This is also a taste of things to come. ;-)